A Campus Missionary Leader (CML) is someone who leads the ministry on a university campus as part of Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM). The CML is responsible for engaging in evangelism on campus, building relationships with students, faculty, and staff at the university, guiding the work of discipleship at the BCM, connecting students to local churches, and directing the overall vision and ministry of the local BCM while connecting with their Regional Campus Minister (RCM).
CMLs are vital to KYBCM’s purposes of growing Baptist Campus Ministries, starting new work, and assisting church leaders. CMLs help KYBCM meet these purposes in the following ways:
CMLs are vital to KYBCM’s purposes of growing Baptist Campus Ministries, starting new work, and assisting church leaders. CMLs help KYBCM meet these purposes in the following ways:
Planting a BCM Ministry |
growing a bcm ministry |
CML's help us plant BCM ministries on campuses where there has not been a BCM prescence in the past or revitalizing BCMs on campus that had at one point a BCM. CML's play a vital role of planting BCMs by:
CML's help us grow BCM ministries on campuses. CML's play a vital role of investing in students by:
multipling our effortsCMLs help us multiply our ministry efforts with BCMs, through regional campuses, and in churches by increasing our supply of ministry workers. This is especially important with the regional scope of Campus Ministers. CMLs enable Regional Campus Ministers to give attention to developing ministries in the region while still maintaining existing ministries.
developing International Student MinistryCMLs have a critical role in developing international student ministry on our campuses. International student ministry requires unique and focused ministry strategy, attention, and efforts. When a CML plants a new BCM they are expanding the mission field to reach international students who have never heard the Gospel. CMLs enable us to develop ministries to international students on our campuses and connect churches to international students.
assisting churches with reaching studentsCMLs serve as a key link connecting the local church to the campus and students to the local church. All CMLs will be sent by a local church to reach their local campus and plant a new BCM.
fundingThe KBC offers fininancial assistance to BCMs through a sponsoroing church/association by monthly support. The KBC will provide the the sponsoring church/association a fixed total per month over the course of a three-year period to support the BCM.
Interested in serving as a cml?
Pray about the opportunity. Where do you feel called to serve? Connect with your sponsoring church/association and reach out to your Regional Campus Minister about your interest to serve.